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🏪 276 dt lane, West Madarbari , Chittagong, Bangladesh , 🏪Haji Ishak Tower,BCC Road, Nawabpur Road, Dhaka | HOTLINE: 01309565924, 01819940370
Elite 2-Way Trigger Lock
To make gamers enjoy the thrill and get better scores in different games, X20 is equipt with a trigger lock to set the travel distance of the triggers with 2 different positions to pull off quicker actions in your favorite FPS games or experience the speed with Hall Effect Linear trigger in RAC games.
Full Mecha-tactile Buttons
Featured the mechanical buttons on action buttons (ABXY), shoulders, and D-pad, X20 got a clicky tactile feedback and quicker response on games.
Vibrant RGB Lighting
With 3 different RGB light modes and various color combinations, X20 is able to shine your gaming space!
Motion Control Support
X20 support gyroscopic movement in Switch, PC and mobile devices, capture your every move accurately.